Josh Peterson

Josh was the happiest kiddo a parent could ask for. He loved dogs, fishing, all things outdoors and made friends everywhere he went. He loved learning about history, figuring out how things worked, and engaged in the most intellectual conversations about world affairs, religion, and politics. Just after Josh turned 5 years old, he lost … Read more

Max Disher

Hayward, Wisconsin Max was diagnosed with a rare, very aggressive form of leukemia when he was ten years old. Upon diagnosis he was not allowed to leave the hospital. A port for chemotherapy was installed that day, and he began receiving chemotherapy by that evening. He was quaratined as his immune system would be destroyed … Read more

Josh Molden

Josh was diagnosed with Leukemia the second week of his senior year of high school. When he didn’t go into remission after 5 months of chemo, it was decided he needed a bone marrow transplant which was done March 31, 2017. During his recovery, he spent 60 out of 100 days in the hospital although … Read more

Zack Eder

Our 2016 recipient was Zack Eder from Minnesota. Zack is a 16 year old that has been battling cancer for most of his teenage years. Zack and his father Randy found some time between Chemotherapy treatments to join us for a deer hunt. We only had a few days before Zack had to get back … Read more